PinnedWe are all economistsMainstream and behavioural economics are two sides of the same coinJun 3, 20164Jun 3, 20164
The ‘Anything but this’ trapWhether leaving the EU was a good or a bad decision always was — and remains — a matter of preference. But the decision-making process to…4d ago4d ago
A dramatic wedding — when joy and grief collideAn unexpected tragic event reveals the essence of decision makingJan 31Jan 31
The trouble with the truthMeta’s abandonment of fact-checking for community notes exposes an uncomfortable truth about ourselvesJan 241Jan 241
Why the familiar feels safer (even when it isn’t)The way we resort to double standards when judging the risks of what is novel against what is current can be an obstacle to genuine…Jan 17Jan 17
Why making ourselves worse off feels so good — dissecting the boycott paradoxThe latest Twexit wave (numerous users leaving the social media platform still known to many as Twitter) is, in essence, a form of…Jan 10Jan 10
The binary trapOne of the toughest obstacles to a good understanding of the world and the people in it is our propensity for to binary thinking. What if…Jan 3Jan 3
The moral arithmetic of everyday choicesTrade-offs can be challenging, but when morals get involved, they’re in a different league — yet we make them all the time (and reveal our…Dec 20, 20241Dec 20, 20241
Two kinds of beliefsBeliefs are the scaffolding of understanding, and they inform, at least in part, almost every decision we make. But they come in two very…Dec 13, 2024Dec 13, 2024